Floetea – the delightful and refreshing soft drink
This product is low in Carbohydrate and consists of natural lemon flavour. Each and every person should know the reason why Floetea is healthy and they should consider it as a part of the diet. The three main reasons are being mentioned.
- Zero sugar added: the product is free from any kind of sugar. The product when mixed with cold water tastes sweet just because of the ingredient (Rebaudioside) that it is present in it. This is not a chemical compound but is a natural product that is extracted from the leaves of stevia. People suffering from diabetes or trying to lose weight can drink this as it does not lead to an increase in the level of glucose in the blood.
- Zero added preservatives: people generally tend to avoid and should avoid products that contain preservatives. This is because of preservatives my cause harm to the internal working of the human being. But floetea zero is such a product that does not contain any preservatives. The product is prevented from contamination during the process of packaging. But our team involve themselves in giving tips to the customer for better results. It is requested to the customer that they should seal the packet after opening it. It is also recommended to them that they should store it in a dry and cool place.
- Zero calories: this product contains very low or no-calorie when compared to any carbonated soda. There are many powder products and syrup juices that contain high calorie, unlike floetea. This product contains very low carbohydrates which is the reason for contributing to high calorie.
- Contains polyphenols: Many people are unaware of the meaning of polyphenols. This is very beneficial and significant micronutrients which are present in some plants (including leaves of tea).
- Rich in vitamin C: Ascorbic acid is present in this product. Vitamin C is even found in vegetables and fruits that we intake on a regular basis. Being a wonderful antioxidant it helps in the proper functioning of the body.
- No colours added: Products containing sugar, carbonated soda, colas, and flavoured colours contain colour. But this contains no colour.
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