Top Simple Tricks To Make Cooking Easier For The Beginners
If you spend a significant time inside the kitchen and love whipping up different delicacies, you are an official food-lover. But when we speak of cooking, we don’t mean the involved process should be lengthy and tedious. It should rather be simple, intelligent, and innovative, so you can cook delicious recipes without having to drop much sweat on them. For beginners, https://stevehacks.com/ has a series of easy-to-make recipes listed so you can have fun making and impressing your loved ones.
Saute The Onions First Before Garlic
If any of your recipes involve the sauteeing of onions and garlic, then make sure to saute the onions first before sauteeing the garlic. Onions feel forever to soften up, and garlic can burn up quickly. So the better method would be to saute the onions first before dropping the pieces of garlic.
Turn Your Tomato Sauce Richer By Adding Brown Sugar To It
It doesn’t matter what sugar you are using; brown or white tomato sauce can be more flavorful with its addition.
1) Add Mayonaise To The Coating To Get Oven-Baked Chicken That Tastes Fried
Who doesn’t like eating fried chicken? We all do but do we make simple oven-baked chicken taste like fried chicken recipes? The trick is to add some mayo to the egg and bread crumb mixture. Mayo is useful in crisping up the individual bread crumbs while rendering that rich satiating taste to your oven-baked chicken.
Visit https://twitter.com/stevehacks to check our various similar recipes.
2) Minimize Grease Splatters By Springling Some Flour On Them
Grease splatters are perhaps one of the most dreadful and disgusting things that one can face, especially for those just getting started with cooking. But the good news is that you can reduce them by sprinkling some flour on them. Another advantage of sprinkling flour on bacon is that it makes them crispy.
3) Cook Your Bacon Inside The Oven And Not On The Stove
Another way of making your bacon experience hassle-free and mess-free is by cooking the same inside oven and not on the stovetop. Also, you can save a considerable amount of time by cooking bacon inside the range. Try tossing the bacon on the sheet pan and for a hassle-free cleanup, consider using a foil or parchment to line the sheet pan first.
4) Ground Pepper Vs Cracked Pepper: Know Which One To Use And When
You can use the ground pepper for different sauce recipes. Ground pepper is strong and can be used for various similar recipes. However, you can always use the cracked pepper to bring some flavor to your favorite recipes for seasoning.